The Murals of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: 555 Ellice Avenue (2)

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'Connected By Play'
The 2016 Mural Mentor Project.



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Location: NW corner Ellice & Langside; East Face

Occupant: Ellice Place

District: West End

Neighbourhood: Spence

Artist(s): Kadi Badiou

Year: 2016

Sponsors: Winnipeg Development Agreement, West End BIZ, Manitoba Housing

Kadi Badiou: "Games are an important part of all cultures and are one of the oldest forms of human interaction. They can be used as teaching tools to pass history and the worldviews of their culture from generation to generation."

"I researched the different countries that the residents of the West End were from and then found out what native or popular games were played there. I found many commonalities in games played between countries and a lot that are played worldwide but just have different names. The games played worldwide that I included are checkers, dominoes, spinning top, jacks, tic-tac-toe, and marbles."

"More specifically I included Sipa, which is a traditional native sport from the Philippines which involves a rattan woven ball and is played similarly to hacky sack. Mancala is represented in the Mmural and is a 'count-and-capture' type game that is played in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. It can be played with an old egg carton and beans, holes dug into the ground and pebbles, or a carved wooden board. There are many variations of the game. Plum Stones is a Metis game that is included in the Mural as well. It is played with a woven basket and 5 game pieces that were traditionally made of plum seeds. Three of the pieces are marked on one side and the other two have a star carved into one side and a moon in the other. The pieces are tossed up using the basket and different points are awarded for the combination of the way the seeds land."

"There is a 'score sheet' on the right side of the Mural where every person who participated in painting the Mural got to sign their name. The hands represent children playing these games and the view is from above as though from the perspective of the player."