The Murals of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Murals
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730 Aberdeen Avenue    Location Map

Location: visible from Alfred Avenue entrance between Parr & Arlington; South Face

Occupant: Isaac Newton School

District: North End

Neighbourhood: William Whyte

Artist(s): Isaac Newton Students (unsigned)

Year: 2006

Sponsors: Graffiti Art Programming

Painters: Project Facilitator: Mike Valcourt


Mike Valcourt: "I went there to help facilitate this project. They wanted to do something in the front of the school that would best represent them to have visible for the community. The content would include some of all the activities that go on there at the school. With the name of the school we wanted the apple and the tree in there! The tree's also like the tree of knowledge, and you have little bits and piece of their lives within the school represented in the tree."

"The kids designed it. I got them to sit down and do some good brainstorming and drawings, and the ideas came from the kids themselves. I did the layout from their designs, but they painted the Mural totally on their own, and they did a great job!"