The Murals of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Murals
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Displaying Locations 375-379 of 721


115 Maryland Street (4)    Location Map


Location: NE corner Maryland & Westminster, South Face

Occupant: Foodfare

District: West End

Neighbourhood: West Broadway

Artist(s): Tierney Milne, John Park (Brother Jopa)

Year: 2019

Sponsors: Benjamin Moore Paints, West Broadway BIZ, United Rentals, Synonym Art Consultation, Graffiti Art Programming, Dulux Paints, Wall to Wall Mural & Culture Festival


"This piece is designed to bring all-season pops of colour and joy to Winnipeg. Through whimsical shapes and jewel-tone palettes, we hope to create a positive disruption in people's day and inspire them to connect to their inner child."

"This collaborative youth mentorship Mural is all about positivity and teamwork- from the conception and brainstorming phase through the designing and installation. Taking inspiration from the youth-selected word and the location of the wall, we wanted to bring the feeling of the word to life in the most colourful, joy-inducing way we could imagine. Brother Jopa brought strong letter forms and a graphic composition to the table, and Tierney Milne added her love of fun palettes and geometric shapes. Combined together, we hope that these all-season pops of punchy colours and flowing shapes will inspire passers by and bring a positive disruption to the streets of Winnipeg."

Tierney Milne is a Montreal-born, Vancouver-based Artist and Muralist who focuses on interrupting people's day with positivity. With a background in Psychology and a keen interest in how simple shapes and colours affect our well being, Tierney combines intentional compositions, bold palettes and vibrant patterns to bring her work to life. Whether using murals, tactile installations, stop motion videos or light-hearted lettering, her main goal is to inject a sense of child-like wonder and create joy for viewers.

Brother Jopa (John Park) is a lettering artist based in Vancouver. Specializing in sign painting, logo design, and large-scale typography, his work is a public-facing method of communicating art. Calligraphy is the constant theme that creates a fluid thread throughout Brother Jopa's work. Carrying a contemporary aesthetic yet deeply influenced by traditional methods, Brother Jopa's compositions bring a dynamic perspective to the art of language.

Source: Wall-To-Wall Mural and Cultural Festival